Press release on master training of trainers (ToT) for the enhanced Veterinary Information System (VIS)

The National Center for Animal Health in collaboration with the National Veterinary Hospital, Department of Livestock is conducting the first round of master training of the trainers (ToT) on the enhanced Veterinary Information System (VIS), an online animal health database management system of Bhutan, from 26-29 September 2022 in Punakha. The system has four main modules namely, the clinical (individual animal and group), pet registration, dog population management and mass dog vaccination, and disease outbreak reporting. Before the training, the Pet registration and Dog population management and Mass dog vaccination modules were used during the ongoing National Dog Population Management and Rabies Control Program (NADPM&RCP) while the rest of the modules were piloted at the National Veterinary Hospital, Motithang.

The training program is attended by 33 officials from Dzongkhag Veterinary Hospitals (DVH), Regional Livestock Development Centres (RLDC), Thromde Veterinary Hospital and Satellite Laboratories (TVH & SL) and National Veterinary Hospital (NVH) and relevant central farms of the West and West Central region. The second round of the ToT will be carried out for the East and East Central regions in October 2022. After the completion of the ToT, the rest of the Veterinary paraprofessionals (VPP) in the gewogs will be trained by these trainers within their respective dzongkhags.

The  expected outcomes of the implementation of VIS in the country are:

  • Facilitate data-based animal health and related policy development in the country.
  • Ease and facilitate capturing clinical and disease outbreak data in real-time-basis.
  • Enhance coordination in responding to disease outbreaks and reporting.
  • Generate comprehensive data concerning antimicrobial usage (AMU) through various veterinary clinical practices in the country.
  • Ease carrying out passive surveillance on AMU in the veterinary sector.
  • Enhance monitoring and evaluation of AMU by field veterinarians and VPPs.
  • Enhance reporting of AMU in Bhutan to relevant authorities, national and international.
  • Generate data, assess and evaluate the use of other veterinary drugs and products in the field.

The enhancement of the system and subsequent training of the animal health officials are funded by the Fleming Fund Country Grant and technically supported by ICTD, MoAF and NGN Technology Private Ltd.

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