National Centre for Animal Health welcomes two virologists Dr. Kaku Yoshihiro and Dr. Unsil Park from National Institute of Infectious Disease, NIID Japan. They are here as a part of the five year on going collaborative project commenced since 2019. NCAH and NIID initiated the five year collaborative project mainly targeting on the four research areas that are Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) sero surveillance, Rabies antibody titration using RAPINA, Anthrax and Bat derived zoonosis. In this visit from 4th till 9th March 2024 the team plans to re-test CCHF samples from goat with different conditions and discuss on the results obtained; discuss on rabies laboratory results and test conducted in Japan and in Bhutan through RAPINA; discuss and plan for the fruit-bat habitat survey; and further chalk additional sero-surveillance plan
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