Training on Sample collection, transportation and testing for Mastitis Surveillance

Report on Training on Sample collection, transportation and testing for Mastitis Surveillance.

Mastitis is a major health concern in dairy cattle, leading to significant economic losses and increased medicines use including antimicrobials use. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics in mastitis treatment contributes to the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), posing risks to animal health, food safety, and public health. Hence, in order to accurately diagnose and carry out effective treatment proper sample collection, handling, timely shipment to diagnostic facilities and appropriate testing are crucial.

Hence, a 3 days hand on training on Sample collection, transportation and testing for Mastitis Surveillance is being held at Professional Development Centre, Damphu Tsirang w.e.f. 14 to 16 of December 2024. The participants are represented from, Regional Veterinary & Epidemiology center, Phunstholing & Gelephu, Dzongkhag veterinary hospitals and LECs, Wangdi/ Tsirang/ Paro/ Chhukha/ Samtse/ Dagana.

The main objectives of the training are to:

  • Build capacity of laboratory staff in standard milk sampling techniques, standardize packaging and labeling procedures to ensure sample stability
  • Build capacity of laboratory staff in screening of mastitis at field using CMT
  • Build capacity of laboratory staff in culture and identification of mastitis pathogens
  • Familiarize on AMR surveillance plan on mastitis to the surveillance sites and field staffs.

The workshop is conducted by National center for Animal Health & Project Management Unit, Fleming Fund and is funded by Fleming Fiund country grant phase II.

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