The Centre


The National Centre for Animal Health (NCAH), Serbithang, is located about 12 kilometres away from Thimphu, the capital city of Bhutan. Initially, the Centre started as a Diagnostic Laboratory in 1978 in Chhubachu, Thimphu. Later, under the aegis of the United Nations Development Programme and Food and Agriculture Organization project, it was named as Royal Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (RVDL) and shifted to Serbithang in 1981. It was subsequently strengthened under European Union project assistance between 1991 and 1999 and was renamed as Royal Veterinary Epidemiology Centre (RVEC). In 2005, RVEC was renamed as National Centre for Animal Health (NCAH) and is one of the central programmes under the Department of Livestock (DoL), Ministry of Agriculture and Forests (MoAF). The Centre is responsible for animal disease diagnosis, disease prevention and control programme, and providing technical backstopping to Dzongkhags and livestock commodity centres. The Centre has a campus area of 8.8259 acres. The Centre provides an excellent environment for aspiring leaders in animal health in Bhutan.

Vision statement

Center of excellence for evidence-based knowledge and actions aimed at advancing animal health and welfare

Mission statement

Enable informed decisions and actions that safeguard animal and public health, mitigate the burden of animal diseases, enhance production and promote animal welfare

Core values

N – Nurture – As a family, we promote a conducive atmosphere where mutual support is paramount. This extends to cultivating a culture of compassion and care not only among ourselves but also towards those we serve.

C – Commitment – Committed and dedicated to achieve the aspiration of the Nation.

A – Adaptable –  flexible and responsive to change, able to adjust to new circumstances and challenges.

H – High performance – Pursuing excellence, setting ambitious goals, and striving for superior results.


  • To function as the national referral laboratory for animal health.
  • To function as the national centre for veterinary epidemiology.
  • To ensure availability of quality veterinary medicines, vaccines and equipment.
  • To function as an institute for capacity development in animal health.


  • Develop, implement, and evaluate disease prevention and emergency response plans for livestock diseases and zoonoses.
  • Support development of policies, strategies, and plans for animal health.
  • Coordinate, monitor, and evaluate disease prevention and control programmes.
  • Prioritize and research animal health.
  • Liaise with national and international agencies for technical collaborations.
  • Plan, coordinate, and conduct disease surveillance and animal health research in liaison with relevant agencies.
  • Maintain and disseminate animal health and epidemiological information regularly.
  • Provide referral services on laboratory diagnostic activities.
  • Support capacity development in animal health programmes.
  • Coordinate and implement antimicrobial resistance (AMR) studies in the veterinary sector through a one-health approach.
  • Implement, monitor, and evaluate the management of veterinary medicines, vaccines, and equipment at the national level.
  • Coordinate and implement stray dog population management programmes in the country.

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