Press Release: Results from the Pet Dog Census in Thimphu

The Accelerated Dog Population Management and Rabies Control Program (ADPM & RCP) under the Department of Livestock is pleased to share the results from the door-to-door pet dog census that was conducted from 29th September to 1st October 2021 in Thimphu. The census was conducted using Epicollect5 mobile application. The brief summary of pet dog census findings are as follows:

  1. A total of 7292 pet dogs (3838 male and 3454 female) was registered in Thimphu as of 3rd October,2021.
  2. Only 3831(52%) pet dogs in Thimphu are sterilized. About 3461 (48%) of pet dogs are not sterilized.
  3. 1286(18%) of the pet dogs are free roaming. Out of 1286 free-roaming owned dogs, 530 dogs are unsterilised.
  4. The highest no. of dogs was registered in Babesa Demkhong with 992 pet dogs followed by Mewang Geog with 933 pet dogs

We extend our gratitude to the De-Suung Office, local government and the general public for rendering support and cooperation for the successful conduct of pet dog census. As the Department will be initiating a mass Microchipping Campaign for pet dogs from 11th October to 16th October 2021, we earnestly look forward to receiving similar support from relevant authorities and general public.

Note: Those pet owners who have missed the pet dog census (29th September- 1st October 2021) are requested to call our toll-free number 1244, which operates 24 x 7; and ensure their pet dogs are registered before the start of the microchipping campaign.

One of the sources of stray dog population growth is also the free-roaming unsterilized pet dog. Substantial number of free-roaming unsterilized pet dogs on top of huge number of stray dogs is a great concern to authority responsible for dog population management.

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