Press Release: Mass dog sterilization and vaccination campaign in Thimphu

The mass dog sterilization and vaccination campaign launched on 25th March 2021 is still ongoing and the present field clinic at the Dzongkhag Veterinary Hospital, Ramtokto will cover both south and north Thimphu. The earlier field clinic which was set up at Deobum lam has covered the dogs in core town area. As of 11th May 2021, a total of 1363 dogs and 85 cats were sterilized. Of the total dogs sterilized, 1144 were stray and 269 were owned. Dog catching nets and hand petting are the two predominant methods that are being used to catch stray dogs in this campaign. However, 95 stray dogs had to be caught by darting while only 14 stray dogs were handed over to the team or brought to the field clinic by the public. So far, 35 stray dogs were adopted. Although the mass campaign in Thimphu will be completed by 19th May 2021, a mini-team will continue with combing/mop-up operation in pockets where the mass campaign could not cover. The program will be continued from DVH, Ramtokto for duration till the sterilization coverage of 95% is achieved. While the community support so far has been low, it is hoped that community support especially in spotting and helping the team catch free roaming dogs will pick up to enable us in achieving the maximum sterilization coverage. The Dog Population Management Campaign team comprises staff from Thimphu Dzongkhag Livestock Sector, National Veterinary Hospital, National Centre for Animal Health, Regional Livestock Development Centre Tsimasham, Jangsa Animal Saving Trust and Thimphu Thromde; with all these stakeholders playing an important role in successful implementation of the programme.

For further information, contact Dr. Hiruka Mahat @ 17607846. Issued by: NCAH, DoL

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