Laboratory Services

Main mandates

  • Providing referral veterinary laboratory diagnostic services to the clients
    • Provide routine veterinary laboratory diagnostic services, support clinical services, animal health programs and One-Health activities in the country.
    • Serve as the national referral laboratory for diagnosis of animal diseases in the country.
  • Major livestock disease surveillance/survey
    • To lead/coordinate and conduct laboratory-based animal health research activities in the country.
  • Coordination and implementation of Biosafety and Bio-security programs
    • Implement and monitor bio-safety measures and good laboratory practices in all veterinary laboratories in the country.
  • Strengthening and enhancement of laboratory diagnostic capacities
    • To serve as the focal laboratory for antimicrobial resistance monitoring in animals in the country.
    • To participate in regional proficiency testing for specific diagnostic methods.
    • To technically backstop regional, satellite and district veterinary laboratories in the country.
    • Introduction of new diagnostic tests/up-gradation of diagnostic tests for the emerging and re-emerging diseases in the country.
    • To liaise, collaborate and establish efficient laboratory networks with the outside agencies like National Food Testing Laboratory, BAFRA; Clinical Laboratory, JDWNRH; Royal Centre for Disease Control, MoH; and Wildlife Clinic, Nature Conservation Division, DoFPS.
    • To liaise, collaborate and establish efficient laboratory networks with the international reference laboratories such as OIE and WHO Referral Laboratories.
  • Laboratory skill enhancement
    • To develop human resource capacity by conducting the diploma course in laboratory technology in collaboration with other relevant institutions.
    • Conduct refresher courses and up-gradation courses for laboratory technicians.

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