Animal Health Technical Working Group (TWG) Meeting on Fleming Fund Project Activities

Under the Ministry of Agriculture & Forests, various organizations involved for AMR activities under Fleming Fund Project include National Veterinary Laboratory, two Regional Livestock Development Centres under Department of Livestock (DoL) and National Food Testing Laboratory, Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority (BAFRA). Since, two different organizations are involved, it is necessary to improve co-ordination of Fleming Fund activities. Hence, a two-day Animal Health TWG meeting was held w.e.f. 4th to 5th of May 2021 at Tashi Namgay Resort, Paro. The main objectives of the meeting were to review the activities carried out, discuss on status and plan the way forward the activities. A total of 15 participants representing from Department of Livestock (Animal Health Division, National Centre for Animal Health, National Veterinary Hospital & Regional Livestock Development Centres); Bhutan Agriculture & Food Regulatory Authority (BAFRA), HQ, National Food Testing Laboratory, Yusipang and Fleming Fund Project Unit attended the meeting. During the meeting, the activities carried out by different agencies were reviewed and the issues resolved. In addition, the way forward was discussed including the prioritization of the activities for the Country grant 2. The meeting was funded by the Fleming Fund country grant.

Submitted by Dr. N.K Thapa, MoAF AMR focal person.

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