27 October 2023: NADPM&RCP Closing Ceremony

The Nationwide Accelerated Dog Population Management and Rabies Control Program (NADPM&RCP) is a national program of collaboration between the Department of Livestock and De-suung Organization implemented through the whole of nation approach. The program set out to achieve the following objectives:

  • Achieve 100% sterilization coverage of free-roaming dogs.
  • Ensure 100% responsible responsible pet ownership.
  • Eliminate dog-mediated rabies in humans by 2030.
  • Conserve native dog breeds.

The program has been implemented in different phases, namely the nationwide, mopping, and combing phases covering 20 Dzongkhags and four Thromdes. It has been completed achieving remarkable milestones, including a nationwide 100 percent sterilization coverage of free-roaming dogs (FRDs) and the vaccination of over 90 percent of these dogs, which is the first of its kind in the world. The milestones include:

  • Sterilization of 61,680 (91.2% unowned (FRD) and 8.8 % owned) dogs.
  • Microchipping and registration of 32,544 pet dogs.
  • Vaccination of 61,331 (91.1% unowned and 8.9% owned) dogs against rabies.
  • Amendment of Livestock Rules and Regulations 2022.
  • Construction of Changkhyi Conservation Centre (CCC) for native breed conservation.

To mark this historic event, a closing ceremony was held today, 27 October 2023, in Thimphu. The ceremony was graced by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Hon’ble Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MoAL), Dasho Tashi Dorji, Chair of De-suung Skilling Program, Hon’ble Secretary, MoAL, Zimpon Wom Sonam Thinley and other distinguished guests.

The Hon’ble Prime Minister awarded a certificate of recognition to acknowledge the Dzongkhag Administrations of Haa, Paro, Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Punakha and Gasa, and Thimphu Thromde Administration.

Furthermore, an agreement of commitment to sustaining the achievement was signed between the Director, Department of Livestock, and the respective Dzongdas and the Thrompon in the presence of the Hon’ble Secretary, MoAL.

On the same note, similar events will be held in three other regions to hand over the certificate and sign the agreement of commitment to sustain the achievement for the remaining Dzongkhags and Thromdes.


National Centre for Animal Health, DoL

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